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Power Pilots -FARs for Glider Add-on Ratings



Glider Pilot Rating Requirements, per FAR Part 61

61.31  Launch methods (ground, aero-tow, self-launch) are by instructor endorsement per additional training.

61.109  Private pilots
* For private pilot glider with less than 40 hours in heavier-than-air aircraft:
Minimum 10 hours and 20 flights in gliders.  2 hours solo including minimum of 10 flights in the areas of operation of FAR 61.107(b) (6). 3 training flights with an instructor within 60 days preceding the practical test.
* If candidate has more than 40 hours in heavier-than-air aircraft:
Minimum 3 hours and 10 solo flights in areas of operation of FAR 61.107 (b) (6) and 3 training flights with an instructor within 60 days preceding the practical test.

61.129  Commercial Pilots
* For applicants with less than 200 hours in heavier-than-air aircraft:
25 hours in gliders including at least 100 flights as PIC including at least 3 hours or 10 training flights with an instructor in areas of operation of FAR 61.127 (b) (6). 2 hours solo including minimum of 10 flights in areas of FAR 61.127 (b) (6). 3 training flights with an instructor within 60 days preceding the practical test.

* For applicants with more than 200 hours in heavier-than-air aircraft:
Minimum 20 flights in gliders as PIC including 3 hours or 10 training flights with an instructor in areas of FAR 61.127 (b) (6). Minimum 5 solo flights in areas of FAR 61.127 (b) (6). 3 training flights with an instructor within 60 days preceding the practical test.



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