Aviation is one of the greatest ways to stimulate youth interest in the STEM disciplines, as learning about flying gliders involves practical, real-world applications of math, science, technology, planning, and operations. Our Youth STEM Soaring Academy programs are helping develop the next generation of pilots, mathematicians, engineers, scientists, and other STEM-related careers. Learning to fly a glider also involves a lot of teamwork and communication, building early leadership and critical thinking - lifelong skills applicable in any career.
Our Youth STEM Academy programming fulfills a key part of our mission and is offered free of charge or at minimal cost to participating youth, The programs are designed for students at the junior high and high school levels and TTSA relies primarily on charitable donations for the funding of all programs. The young men and women who participate in these programs are critical to Truckee-Tahoe Soaring Association's success.
Our Youth STEM Soaring Academy programs would not be possible without charitable donations, grants, and other community support. You can help us deliver these programs with a tax-deductible donation today by clicking on the link below:
Youth Line Crew Intern and Flight School
This is a season-long program for youth ages 13 to 18, where they receive ground operations training, flight instruction, and work on the airfield under the supervision of a certified flight instructor. Our 2024 program is now full with eight youth interns participating.
Youth Soaring Days
​This is a one-day event for youth ages 12 -18.
Key activities include:
A short ground school introducing the principles of flight and how gliders fly
A ground tour of a TTSA glider
Time trying out our glider simulator
A 15-minute glider flight with a certified flight instructor
A free lunch, with a talk by an instructor
A Youth Soaring Day flight certificate.
$50 participant fee
Join our mailing list to receive updates on our schedule for these and other youth events.
Youth Soaring Week
This is a six-day, Monday through Saturday program for youth ages 13-18 designed to accelerate their path towards obtaining their glider pilot license. The week includes ten glider flight lessons, visits to aviation facilities, and other educational activities.
Join our mailing list to receive updates on our schedule for these and other youth events.